Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Flying Fox

I didnt crash.


Finn is almost ready for the show jumping competition.

Mike Again

Mike is stuck on the flying fox.....what a parent helper.

Mr Mac and his Dish Washer

Here is Mr Mac and his beloved dish washing machine......he won't let anyone touch it.

Raining Again

Survival fun the rain.

Mr Mac and his Dish Washer

Here is Mr Mac and his beloved dish washing machine......he won't let anyone touch it.

Climb Tiger

Tiger on the climbing wall. Go Tiger.

Camp Lunch good are we eating.

Climb Tiger

Tiger on the climbing wall. Go Tiger.

Raining Again

Survival fun the rain.

Mike Again

Mike is stuck on the flying fox.....what a parent helper.

Mike Again

Mike is stuck on the flying fox...... boy what a parent helper.

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Disco Moves

Groups 1, 2 and 3 showing their moves in the hall at camp.

Fox Again

More Room 2 students on the flying fox.

Flying Fox

Having fun on the flying fox. 

Best Fire

Here we have the best fire ( the only one) to be lit in the rain, well done you guys.

What Parents Really Do At Camp

Mike hard at work with his group at camp??

Camp Instructions

Waiting for instructions from Harry.


Setting up the tents at camp....pity we didn't get to sleep on them. They did remember how to put them up.

Robin Hood

Doreen learning to be Robin Hood at camp.

Mud Head

Nessa came back from survival with a new hair style. We had to get her in a shower next morning as it had turned very hard. Poor thing, she still had a smile.


Good day in the mud!!

More Mud

Mud is good for the skin, so said Harry the instructor???

Mud Run

Boy was the mud good this year, check out these muddy students.

Monday, 19 February 2018

Friday, 16 February 2018

Certificates at Assembly

Today's winners of the Room 2 certificates are Kathy and David. Well done you both ROCK.

Tent Up and Down Practice

The tents go up the tents go down....hope they can remember next week.

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

The Finished Product

We did it, look how cool our dragons are!!!

Chinese New Year Dragons

Mr Mac gave us a dragon to make but he didn't give us the directions. Hopefully we can problem solve to make them.

Camp Skits Practise

We are practising our skits for camp, the concert is going to be very funny.

Friday, 2 February 2018

The wonderful Room 2

Here is the wonderful Room 2 we look forward to sharing our year with you all.